Blonde d´Aquitaine - husbandry.
The keeping of the Blonde d'Aquitaine is without difficulty. The beef cattle herd is calm and adaptable concerning feed and
climate. This permits extensive husbandry with pastures in the summer and hay or grassilage in the winter. The enormous
potential for growth of the breed evidences itself wit intensive feeding. Daily weight gains of up to 2 kg with bullocks
are possible offhand.
The German herds, numbering between 20 and 70, in some cases up to 150 animals, are put to pasture in summer, which lasts,
depending on the location, from April to November (some breeders keep there herd outside all year), and fed with hay and /
or grassilage or corn silage, depending on the region. The calves are thankful for the extra feed in the calves cot,
especially in the fall, when the growth of grass dwindles.